What Plants Grow The Fastest? The Ultimate List of the Fastest-Growing Indoor Plants (with Pictures!)

Explore the landscape of greenery as we uncover 8 indoor plant species that thrive fastest, adding the beauty and effectiveness to your garden experience at home. Let’s begin this journey through the botanical world and fill your living spaces with vibrant, fast-growing vegetation.

What Plant Grows the Fastest?


Image by and Credit to: Olga Lioncat

There are many varieties of plants that are fast-growing and recognized by their spectacular foliage, distinctive structure, and gorgeous colours. They reach their ideal size rapidly however their leaf characteristics, sizes and other distinctive characteristics will differ based on the particular variety of plant.

8 Fastest-Growing Indoor Plants: Identifying Each One of Them

Indoor Plants

Image by and Credit to: Huy Phan

If you are looking to bring some verdant pace and quick beauty to your indoor area Here are eight rapidly growing indoor plants that can multiply and make great decorations and powerful air purifiers.

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Snake Plant
  3. Transvaal Daisy
  4. Pothos
  5. Velvet Plant
  6. Chinese Money Plant
  7. Dum Cane
  8. English Ivy

1. Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)

Image by and Credit to: marcegaral

It is believed that Aloe Vera, commonly known as the burn plant isn’t just an attractive indoor plant, but also a fast-growing one. The succulent plant is loved by its jolly growth rate as well as its useful filled with gel, stems that have medicinal properties.

The gel from Aloe Vera is commonly used to soothe skin irritations, sunburns, minor burns, and skin irritations due to its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties.

Its edges on its fleshy stems are adorned by serrated teeth, adding its distinctive charm. The possession of the Aloe Vera plant will bring joy a mix of aesthetics, functionality and rapid growth to amazing healing, gel-filled stems.

Aloe Vera: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeSucculent
Plant SizeAs high as 3 feet
Flower ColorFrom orange to yellow
Flower SizeSmall to medium
Leaf ColorGreen
Leaf ShapeThe fleshy texture has serrated edges.
Growth RateFast
Timing of FlowersSummer
Soil requiresThe soil is well-drained (no wet soils)
Fertilization RequirementsLow to moderate
Water RequirementsDrought-tolerant
Temperature Requirements9-11
Sunlight RequirementsBright indirect light
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityIn general, resistant

2. Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)

Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)

Image by and Credit to: Kara Eads

A luminous source of green around your house The Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata) is a prolific, air-purifying succulent. Its rapid growth results from its astonishing flexibility, which is why it thrives in direct light, however it can also handle dim lighting conditions, or even shade.

Snake plants are very easy to take care of and are a popular choice for busy plant lovers or novices.

It’s easy to water and has an incredibly high tolerance to inattention, it’s pure fun for both experienced and novice gardeners!

Snake Plant: Quick Growing Guide

Plant SizeIt can reach eight feet tall
Flower SizeSmall
Flower TimingRare indoors
Flower ColorGreenish-white
Leaf ColorGreen
Leaf ShapeSword-like
Growth RateSeveral inches per year
Soil requiresWell-draining soil
Fertilization NeedsEach month during the the growing season
Water RequirementsWater sparingly, drought tolerant
Temperature RequirementsUSDA Zones 10-12
Sunlight RequirementsBright indirect light that reaches shade
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityLow

3. Transvaal Daisy (Gerbera)

Transvaal Daisy (Gerbera)

Image by and Credit to: mariya_m

It is the Transvaal Daisy, also known as Gerbera is known for being one of the fastest-growing indoor plants, filling your home with stunning beauty in just a few seconds.

In some traditional methods, Gerbera daisies were used for their healing properties including treating stomach and skin illnesses.

The rapid growth is due to its strength and adaptability, which allows it to thrive in all kinds of temperatures and lighting conditions and still displaying an enthralling display.

If you provide Transvaal Daisy Transvaal Daisy with the right conditions, you will see its rapid development and be amazed by its spectacular display in a flash.

Transvaal Daisy: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypePerennial
Plant Size1 foot or more
Flower ColorWhite, Yellow, Orange Pink Red
Flower Size3-4 inches in diameter
Leaf ColorGreen
Leaf ShapeOval
Growth RateFast-growing
Timing of the FlowerThe seasons of summer and fall
Soil requiresWell-drained, loamy soil
Fertilization RequirementsFertilizer balanced every 6-8 weeks in active growth.
Water RequirementsModerately, let soil dry between the watering
Temperature (USDA Zones) Requirements9-11
Sunlight RequirementsBetween indirect light and low lighting
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityAphids as well as Powdery Mildew

4. Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Image by and Credit to: SandeepHanda

Pothos also known as Epipremnum Aureum is a single of the most easy plants to grow in the house because of its ability to adapt to a variety of conditions. The rapid growth rate, which can reach up to 10 inches annually is perfect to fill up spaces quickly.

Pothos is incredibly effective in getting rid of indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene as well as xylene. This makes it an ideal for offices and homes.

This plant is awash with the most beautiful heart-shaped, lush leaves, with variegated colors. It can cleanse indoor air of typical pollutants, making it an attractive for homes or offices.

Pothos: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeIndoor climbing vine
Plant Sizeup at 20 feet or more
Flower ColorA creamy spathe laced with purple
Flower SizeSmall
Leaf ColorGreen is variegated, and can be mixed with white or yellow.
Leaf ShapeHeart-shaped
Growth RateUp to 10 inches a year
Timing of the FlowerRarely do they flower indoors.
Soil requiresWell-drained
Fertilization RequirementsGeneral-purpose fertilizer for houseplants every 2 months
Water RequirementsThe top inch of the soil is dry
Temperature RequirementsUSDA zones 10-12
Sunlight RequirementsLow light to direct light that is bright and intense
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityHighly susceptible to mealybugs and root rot when watering is excessively

5. Velvet Plant (Gynura Aurantiaca)

Velvet Plant (Gynura Aurantiaca)

Image by and Credit to: Yercaud-elango

The Velvet Plant, Gynura aurantiaca is a stunning indoor plant that is native to Africa that is decorated with velvety leaves that vary from deep green to vivid purple.

Even though Velvet Plant is known for its purple leaves, different cultivars are different in leaf color, like silver and green varieties.

It is a species that grows rapidly It quickly adds the color and life to your decor and comes with a bonus of little hassle in its care.

Its attractive rapid growth can be attributed to its low maintenance nature that requires only regular fertilization and watering.

Velvet Plant: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeIndoor Houseplant
Plant SizeIt can grow up to 1 to 2 feet
Flower SizeSmall
Flowering TimeBloom at times
Flower ColorOrange
Leaf ShapeOvate (egg-shaped)
Leaf ColorDeep Green to Vibrant Purple
Growth RateFast-growing
Soil requiresWell-drained, Moist Soil
Fertilization RequirementsOccasional Fertilizing
Water RequirementsModerately, Do not overwater because of susceptibility to root Rot
Temperature RequirementsTemperate (USDA zones 10-12)
Sunlight RequirementsPartially Shaded to Full Sunlight
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilitySometimes, pests may cause problems, but are susceptible to root Rot

6. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

Image by and Credit to: Dandarmkd

This Chinese Money Plant, or Pilea peperomioides originates from Southwest China, famously known for its fast growth rate and ease of propagation. This beautiful houseplant is often is referred to as Pancake Plant also known as UFO Plant is adored for its attractive green, round leaves.

It is easily propagated with little maintenance, resulting in an entire plant in just a few weeks after a single leaf cutting.

When properly cared for If the conditions are right, under the right conditions, Chinese Money Plant escalates astounding speed, enhancing any indoor garden with a plethora of appeal.

Chinese Money Plant: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeSucculent, Evergreen Perennial
Plant SizeTypically 30-40cm, but can reach up to 1m
Flower SizeThe size is small (not usually seen outside in environments)
Flower ColorGreenish (although uncommon indoors)
Timing of FlowersSpring
Leaf ShapeThe Round (Coin-shaped) with sloping edges
Leaf ColorDark Green
Growth RateFast
Soil requiresWell-Draining Soil
Fertilization RequirementsFertilize in the growth time (Spring through Summer)
Water RequirementsMake sure to water regularly and allow the soil’s top layer to dry between irrigation
Temperature (USDA Zones) Requirementsthrives In Zones 10-11. The ideal temperature is between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsLikes Bright, Indirect Light
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityResistant to the majority of pests and Diseases, Resistant To Most Pests and as well as root rot

7. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)

Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)

Image by and Credit to: Marcin Konsek

The Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) is an impressive indoor plant indigenous in South America and famous for its big, varying leaves and ability to purify air.

Stem cuttings may propagate Dieffenbachia.

The speed of growth is because of its capacity to grow even under light conditions and its ease of care. It’s interesting to note that it’s called “Dumb Cane” due to the numbing feeling it produces when the leaf is chewed.

It’s important to note that although this plant provides a beautiful design to your indoor space but it’s best to keep it away from kids and pets since it’s poisonous if it is eaten.

Another unique feature is its capacity to clean indoor air, a feature that makes it an perfect houseplant.

Dumb Cane: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeIndoor
Plant SizeUp to 6 feet
Flower Size5 inches long
Flower TimingSummer and spring
Flower ColorWhite
Leaf ShapeLarge, variegated
Leaf ColorBright Green with white and yellow splashes
Growth RateFast
Soil requiresWell-drained soil
Fertilization RequirementsModerate
Water RequirementsModerate
Temperature RequirementsUSDA Zones 9-11 of the USDA
Sunlight RequirementsPartial Light
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityLow

8. English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

Image by and Credit to: KRiemer

English Ivy, also known Hedera Helix is an indoor plant that is admired by its vigorous growth and shiny green leaves. It flourishes in all kinds of conditions and can grow its size, and its slender vines make a stunning natural background in any indoor environment.

English Ivy is a great climbing plant that is able to climb walls, fences and trellises. They can add the appearance of green to the vertical areas.

It climbs with ferocity and flourishes with lush green leaves throughout the time, turning spaces into lush oasis. It is important to be aware that this plant can be toxic to pets and humans.

English Ivy: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeEvergreen Perennial
Plant SizeClimber with rapid growth.
Flower SizeSmall
Flower TimingFrom late summer to the beginning of autumn
Flower ColorGreenish-yellow
Leaf ShapeTri-lobed
Leaf ColorGreen shimmers with gloss
Growth RateVigorous
Soil requiresWell-drained soil
Fertilization RequirementsModerate
Water RequirementsModerate
Temperature RequirementsZones 9-11
Sunlight RequirementsPartial Shade
Pest as well as Disease SusceptibilityResistant

What to Consider When Choosing a Fast-Growing Indoor Plant?

Potted Green Indoor Plants

Image by and Credit to: Huy Phan

Understanding the key elements that affect the growth of plants is crucial in ensuring that you are able to make the right decision which option is the best for your house.

  • Water Requirements
  • Temperature
  • Light
  • Toxicity
  • Humidity Levels
  • Soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Pests and Diseases

Water Requirements

The importance of water is paramount when selecting the fastest-growing indoor plants as they generally require regular exact and consistent watering than outdoor counterparts. Insufficient watering or underwatering can impede the growth of plants, which makes accurate watering vital to achieve the desired rate of growth.


Consideration of temperature when selecting the best indoor plants for rapid growth is vital since plants are prone to expand faster during warmer weather and slower during colder months. Keeping the proper temperature will help in giving your indoor plants the best conditions for fast growth.


Light is a crucial factor in indoor plant growth since proper exposure to sunlight helps in photosynthesis, which can accelerate the rate of growth. If your natural light source isn’t enough for your plants, a grow light will effectively enhance it, making sure that your plants’ fast-growing indoors thrive and thrive quickly.


The degree of toxicity is essential when selecting the fastest-growing indoor plants as certain species could cause health risks to children and pets when they are ingested or touched. If you do not consider this, it could cause unintentional issues, making a thorough selection essential to ensure an environment that is safe for indoors.

Humidity Levels

The right humidity levels are essential when choosing indoor plants that are fast-growing since insufficient humidity can hinder the growth of these plants. Humidity fosters optimal nutrient absorption, promoting faster, healthier plant development.


Consider the soil type when selecting indoor plants that are fast growing is vital as it directly affects the plant’s health as well as its the rate of growth. The ideal soil conditions with plenty of nutrients, and with the proper texture, will ensure that the plant is able to germination evenly and promote vigorous plant growth.


Fertilization of indoor plants is essential to achieving rapid growth because it supplies them with crucial nutrients that promote healthy and quick growth. Selecting the right fertilizer can further increase growth, while catering to the needs of your plant.

Pests and Diseases

Consideration of pests and diseases when choosing indoor plants that are fast-growing is essential as they could affect the pace of growth along with overall wellness. Being proactive in keeping your plants free of pests will ensure a vigorous growth rate and healthy indoor plants.


After carefully considering a variety of options These eight indoor plants are consistently growing up to the top due to their speedy growth. Selecting any of them can bring a vibrant addition to your house, providing stunning aesthetics as well as natural air cleansing. Be aware that watering and care play an important role however, you must first, you must choose the right plant in the right spot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most frequently asked concerns about which plants develop the most quickly:

Which Is The Easiest And Fastest Plant To Grow?

The most simple and fast plant to cultivate to grow is called The Snake Plant. It is extremely tolerant of neglect and thrives in conditions of low light and is a good plant for novices.

What Plants Can Be Grown In Just 2 Weeks?

Certain plants that grow quickly can yield harvests in just two weeks. These plants are a great option to fill in the spaces in your gardens during the summer season, bringing you stunning greenery in a short time.

What Plants Can Be Grown In Just 3 Days?

While no plant will fully develop in three days, a few rapidly growing plants show signs of sprouting rapidly. However, be prepared for the greatest growth usually in the third year after the plant’s planting.

What Are The Two Types of Fastest Growing Plants?

The two most prolific plants include edibles and flowers. They grow quickly and produce stunning foliage, structure and color. They also produce quickly. But, they might require more space for growth.

Which Plants Grows The Fastest From Seeds?

Gourds, beans, herbs as well as flowers, are some of the most rapid germinating seeds. These plants are quick to grow from seeds, which makes them perfect for quick gardening and also for quick-paced science experiments.
What Plants Grow The Fastest The Ultimate List of the Fastest-Growing Indoor Plants (with Pictures!) pinterest image

Featured and Pinterest image credit to: sweetlouise

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