What Are the Rarest Philodendron Types to Grow: The Ultimate Identification and Planting Guide You’ll Ever Need

If you’re a fervent indoor plant lover, you’re probably always looking for rare and unique species to include in your collection. Look no further! Here, we’ll provide you with the rare Philodendron species that you can purchase, which include the rarest of them all.

Factors that Make Philodendron Plants Rare


Image by and Credit to: brbrgraphics

Philodendrons are classified as rare based on a number of factors, such as:

  • Geographic geographical location
  • Variegation
  • Scarcity

One of the primary reason is their rarity because there are a small number of them worldwide. Certain species of these rare plants can be only found in certain geographical areas, and most of the time they are found only within a single country.

Their availability is contingent upon their popularity as well as the variety of species that can be identified in the first place, collected, and effectively cultivated to make massive distribution to gardeners around the world. Additionally, some of the most sought-after varieties of philodendrons may not be found in the garden centers due to there being plenty of them to move around.

Geographic Location

Certain philodendrons only occur in certain regions, and sometimes within a single nation. The rarity of these plants is directly related to their scarce availability.

The amount of plants that are in a particular area also is a significant factor in determining the difficulty in locating, collecting and distributing them to collectors of houseplants around the world. Thus, the geographical place is an important factor in the rarity of Philodendrons.


Variegation is what makes a philodendron unique and extremely sought-after among people who love plants. It is due to the presence of various shades or colors in leaves of the plant, making it look more distinctive and appealing to the eye.

For Philodendron billietiae as well as pink princess philodendrons, the variation is distinguished by lime-green centers and yellow-splotched leaflets, giving the color and contrast to the overall appearance.

But, it is crucial to keep in mind that these plants must be planted in well-lit locations in order for the variegation to remain evident, since low light conditions can cause leaves to change color as they lose the variegation. So, ensuring that there is enough light is vital to preserve the beauty and rareness of philodendrons that have variegated.


Scarcity is one of the main factors in the determination of the rareness of the plant called a philodendron. The distribution of a plant is directly related to its abundance in the natural world. A lot of rare philodendrons can only be located in particular geographic areas typically restricted to one country.

The amount of plants has a significant impact on the extent of their rarity, impacting the accessibility of gathering, and cultivating their mass distribution. Some species of philodendrons are more difficult to locate than others because of their confined areas of growth.

The problem is made worse by the difficulty of reproduction, resulting in the existence of a small number of these species, which are usually classified as threatened. In addition, the demand for exclusive plants such as Philodendrons has made them scarcer on the market for house plants because breeders are struggling to meet the demand.

What Is Rarest Type of Philodendron In the World?

A variety of rare species of Philodendron are sought-after in the community of indoor plants. They aren’t easily accessible in large box shops and are only purchased from collectors who specialize in them. Despite their rarity, certain species are available to purchase but come with a price.

One of the most rare Philodendron species is Spiritus Sancti, the holy the grail of Philodendrons. It is extremely scarce and is difficult to propagate making it among the most expensive houseplants available in the world. Another species that is extremely rare can be found in one called the Pink Princess, which has striking pink hues on its leaves. It’s extremely sought-after by collectors.

Other uncommon Philodendron species includes The White Knight, which has huge, glossy leaves that are almost completely white, and the Gloriosum with its silky green leaves that have white veins. The Melanochrysum is a different species with heart-shaped leaves, with a soft appearance and an intense green hue that changes to a bronze-colored tone when the leaves get older.

It’s crucial to know that a lot of these rare species are threatened, which is why it’s essential to maintain their health if they enter our gardens. Therefore, those who love indoor plants have a special affinity for the rarest species, which may sell for a premium price at auction.

The 11 Rarest Philodendron Plants You Can Grow In Your Garden

Here are the top 11 rarest Philodendron species that are sought-after by enthusiasts and collectors alike.

  1. Philodendron Florida Beauty (Variegated)
  2. Philodendron Silver Sword (Variegated)
  3. Philodendron Islemanii (Variegated)
  4. Philodendron Red Congo (Variegated)
  5. Philodendron Billietiae (Variegated)
  6. Philodendron Gloriosum (Variegated)
  7. Philodendron Joepii
  8. Philodendron Pink Princess
  9. Philodendron 69686
  10. Philodendron Mamei
  11. Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

1. Philodendron Florida Beauty (Variegated)

Philodendron Florida Beauty (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: plantexpressph

The Philodendron Floral Beauty Variety is an uncommon and distinctive Philodendron that is unique in its appearance and beauty. The plant is a Hemiepiphyte meaning it develops epiphytically (on host trees) as well as on the terrestrial side (on on the earth).

It’s a climbing plant which could grow to 6-8 feet tall when given an area to climb. As compared to its parent plants they have a more rapid growth rate, making it a wonderful addition to your garden.

One of the most striking characteristics of Philodendron Florida Beauty is the variety of colors it has variegated its leaves. These leaves have dark, green and have different shades that could be white, cream or pale yellowish or lime green. They display streaks, marbling, sections, splotches or half moon patterns.

Each leaf is distinct from the next and the lobes could be more lobed, with the exception of the slightly bigger anterior lobe. The leaf looks like Philodendron peatum however the petioles are reddish, warty or bumpy. P. is smooth. petioles, which are usually medium to dark green.

It’s a simple plant to grow with an accelerated growth rate, which makes it an ideal option for people who are new to gardening. The leaves’ multi-colored variegated colors are stunning and its distinctive appearance makes it an interesting conversation piece.

With its stunning design, simple maintenance, and a rapid growth, it’s guaranteed to bring joy and splendor to your home.

Philodendron Florida Beauty Variegata: Quick Growing Guide

Plant size6-8 feet
Rate of growthRelatively swift
Leaf colorDark green with varied shades which could be whitish yellowish, creamy, green, or lime green
Leaf shapeMulti-lobed, with different shapes
Soil is essentialWell-drained, but moist.
Fertilization needsRegular fertilization
Needs for waterRegularly watered High humidity
The need for temperatureWarm temperatures, 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit (15-23 degrees Celsius)
The sun’s light is essentialBright, indirect sunlight
Disease and pestSpider mites are a risk. mealybugs, and spider mites.

2. Philodendron Silver Sword (Variegated)

Philodendron Silver Sword (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: greenroomatl

The Philodendron Silver Sword can be described as a very sought-after and rare plant that is native to rainforests in South America. It is a climber which can grow to 3-4 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide. The most distinctive feature of the plant is its distinctive multi-colored foliage.

They are mixture of green and silver with silver stripes that run down in the center of every leaf. The leaves also are elongated and are shaped like a sword which is the reason why the plant got its name. Because of its distinctive foliage and slow-growing the plant has been popular with many of the enthusiasts.

This Philodendron Silver sword Variegated is a plant that grows slowly which can take a few years before reaching its maximum size. However, its gorgeous foliage is worth the waiting. It can reach 12 inches in length and 6 inches in width, making it an impressive accent piece for any space. It’s a fantastic option for a office or home because it thrives in a variety of lighting conditions. It’s an erect plant that requires the support needed to climb upwards.

The plant will remain well-nourished and healthy with regular watering, well-drained soil and a balanced amount of fertilization. Though it is susceptible certain pests and diseases regular monitoring is a good way to avoid any problems.

In the end the Philodendron Silver sword Variegated is stunning and highly sought-after species due to its unique variegated leaves. It could take several years to grow to its maximum size, but its stunning appearance is well worth the long wait.

Philodendron Silver Sword Variegated: Quick Growing Guide

Plant size3-4 ” tall, and 1 to 2 feet wide
Rate of growthSlow-growing
Leaf colorVariegated with silver-colored shades green, white and silver.
Leaf shapeLong and sword-like
Soil is essentialWell-draining soil
Fertilization requirementsThe balanced liquid fertilizer should be applied once per month during the growing season
Needs for waterModerate watering
The requirements for temperature60-75 degrees Fahrenheit
The sun’s is a requirementBright, indirect sunlight
Disease susceptibility and pestsHighly susceptible to spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects.

3. Philodendron Islemanii (Variegated)

Philodendron Islemanii (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: nsetropicals

Philodendron Islemanii is a beautiful plant that has unique variegated leaves that combines white, green and yellow. But there are a few plants that exhibit the same degree of variegation; some appear greener than those with variegated.

Lack of light is among major reasons for the absence of variegation Philodendron Islemanii. Variegated plants require more light than their green counterparts in order to generate variation. Thus it is important to move the plant into a more bright location with indirect light is vital to promote variation.

Philodendron Islemanii is a scarce plant species that is sought-after by plant lovers. The reason for its rarity can be attributed many reasons. It is a species that is naturalized species of tropical forests and some species are extremely difficult to locate.

Second, it is a natural phenomenon in plants, about every one in 100,000, which makes the varieties with variegated leaves both scarce and sought-after. In addition, the more difficult it is to locate an item, the more rare they are classified. Philodendron Islemanii is an uncommon variety is protected by law and is a major factor in the popularity of the few that are available on the market.

It is essential to supply the plant with adequate lighting to allow for variation. The plant can reach up to 3 feet tall and has a an average to rapid growth rate. The leaves, which are heart-shaped with pointed tips are stricken by white, green and yellow. Philodendron Islemanii blooms intermittently throughout the year, with tiny creamy or white-colored blooms. It thrives in humid and warm conditions, with direct light, bright and well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

In the end, Philodendron Islemanii is a scarce and highly sought-after plant species by plant lovers due to its distinctive variety of foliage, rarity and easy of care.

Philodendron Islemanii Variegata: Quick Growing Guide

Plant sizeMay reach up to 3 feet tall.
Rate of growthModerate to speed
Leaf colorVariegated with white, green and yellow
Leaf shapeHeart-shaped, with pointed point at the tip
Soil is essentialOrganic matter in well-draining soil
Fertilization needsFertilize every month during the season of growth
Needs for waterMaintain soil moisture, but don’t get overly waterlogged.
The requirements for temperatureIt thrives in humid and warm conditions
The need for sunlightBright indirect light
Disease susceptibility and pestsHighly susceptible to spider mites as well as mealybugs

4. Philodendron Red Congo (Variegated)

Philodendron Red Congo (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: journeythroughparadise

Philodendron Red Congo (Variegated) is an exotic and rare plant that is now becoming sought-after by houseplant lovers. The vine’s rapid growth can get at least 3 feet in height and is characterized by stunning, vibrant, burgundy-red foliage with red stems. The leaves’ variegation makes it distinctive and striking appearance which makes it a must-have for any indoor area.

This Philodendron is a unique item due to its distinctive and stunning appearance. The variation in the leaves isn’t typically found in the world of plant life which makes it a unique and sought-after part of any collection. Its rapid growth rate makes it a great option for those who wish to observe their plants growing rapidly. It’s also a low maintenance plant that is simple to take care of and is suitable for both experienced and novice plant owners.

In the end, Philodendron Red Congo (Variegated) is a unique and beautiful plant that’s easy to maintain and ideal for any indoor area. Its distinctive appearance and rapid growth rate will bring color and vibrancy to any space.

Philodendron Red Congo Variegata: Quick Growing Guide

Plant Sizeup to three feet
Growth RateFast
Leaf ColorBurgundy-red color with a hint of variations
Leaf ShapeHeart-shaped
Soil NeedsWell-draining soil
Fertilization RequirementsFertilize each month using an appropriate fertilizer
Water RequirementsWater is available when the top inch of the soil is dry
Temperature Requirements65 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsBright, indirect sunlight
Pest and Disease SusceptibilityHighly susceptible to spider mites as well as mealybugs

5. Philodendron Billietiae (Variegated)

Philodendron Billietiae (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: the_3_keys

The Philodendron Billietiae Variegated is an uncommon and sought-after species by plant lovers due to its gorgeous leaves that are variegated. It is a subvariety from Philodendron Billietiae and is well-known for its distinctive and striking patterns on the leaves, which are complemented by white to cream-colored patches over the leaves.

The large, glossy leaves are attractive and captivating and make it a sought-after selection among collectors of plants. The Philodendron Billietiae variegated is a tropical species native from South America and is rare because it is hard to propagate and its leaves that are variegated make it more scarce.

Despite the high cost, Philodendron Billietiae Variegated is fairly easy to take care of. It is happy in a variety of lighting conditions, however the indirect, bright lighting is ideal for sustaining its variations.

It requires a well-draining soil. It is recommended to water it at the time that the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. It also benefit from regular feeding using an appropriate fertilizer, and temperatures that range from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, for those who are avid about it, Philodendron Billietiae Variegated is one of the most sought-after plant species because of its gorgeous variegated leaves. The unique shape of its leaves and striking appearance makes it a stunning addition to any collection of plants.

Philodendron Billietiae: Quick Growing Guide

Plant SizeUp to three feet
Growth RateModerate rate of growth
Leaf ColorVariegation between white and green
Leaf ShapeLarge and shiny leaves
Soil NeedsWell-draining soil
Fertilization RequirementsFeedings every month with balanced fertilizer
Water RequirementsThe top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry
Temperature Requirements65 degrees Fahrenheit – 80d degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsBright indirect light
Pest and Disease SusceptibilityMealybugs, spider mites and root Rot

6. Philodendron Gloriosum (Variegated)

Philodendron Gloriosum (Variegated)

Image by and Credit to: urlocalplantboy

The Philodendron Gloriosum Variegata is an uncommon and sought-after variety that is part of the Gloriosum plant. This plant is famous for its striking variegation that makes it stand out from other plants in the house.

The variation can vary from pale pink to white and appears on the veins of leaves which gives the plant an unique and attractive appearance. Due to its rarity the plant is regarded as an item for collectors and may be difficult to find.

People who love plants will appreciate Philodendron Gloriosum Variegata for its unique appearance that is hard to locate on other plant species. It is a slow-growing variety and therefore, it is even more unique and rare.

The leaf shapes are heart-shaped and dark green, with striking variations and they have a smooth velvety texture, which is similar to some varieties of Philodendron. It can grow to 2.5 feet, and is ideal to climb trellises and hang over tables. If you’re lucky enough locate one, don’t hesitate to include it in your collection!

Philodendron Gloriosum Variegata: Quick Growing Guide

Plant SizeUp to 2.5 feet
Growth RateSlow
Leaf ColorDark green, with white to light pink Variegation
Leaf ShapeHeart-shaped
Flower SizeSmall
Flower TimingIf the conditions for growth are favorable
Flower ColorWhite
Soil NeedsWell-draining, fertile soil
Fertilization RequirementsFertilize every 2 to 3 months
Water RequirementsRegular watering or high levels of humidity (at least 50 percent)
Temperature RequirementsWarm temperatures of 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsPartial shade
Pest and Disease SusceptibilitySpider mites are a risk. mealybugs

7. Philodendron Joepii

Philodendron Joepii

Image by and Credit to: tree.foresta

Philodendron Joepii can be described as a rare and distinctive climbing Philodendron that is native in South America. It is a strange-looking, tri-lobed leaves that appear like they’ve been damaged by insects.

This unique beauty is in the process of disappearing from its habitat, making it very expensive and sought-after by those who love plants. If properly cared for and maintained these leaves could extend nearly 27 inches in length with blooms that range in hue in shades ranging from pale white through to deep purple.

Comparatively the Philodendron 69686 Philodendron Joepii is distinguished by variations in its leaf shape and the requirements for growth. Although Philodendron 69686 is a heart-shaped leaves and Philodendron Joepii has tri-lobed leaves which make its standout.

Philodendron Joepii requires moderately bright indirect light source, as well as a well-drained soil mix that is composed consisting of garden soils, sand perlite and organic compost. The temperature range of the plant is 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit. It requires humidity at or above 60 percent in order to ensure the plant’s health.

While it can be costly but its strange-looking leaves and the possibility of flowers make it an attractive addition to your houseplant collection. With the proper care and attention this climber Philodendron can flourish within your home, bringing the exotic look to your living space.

Philodendron Joepii: Quick Growing Guide

Plant TypeClimbing Philodendron
Plant SizeUp to 27 inches in length
Growth RateModerate
Leaf ColorGreen
Leaf ShapeTri-lobed
Soil NeedsWell-draining soil mix made up from garden soil, sand organic compost and perlite
Fertilization RequirementsOrganic fertilizer with slow release monthly during the spring and summer. Reduce or eliminate it during the winter months.
Water RequirementsRegularly watering your lawn, especially during summer months, and ensure that the soil always moist but not letting it completely dry.
Temperature Requirements60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsMedium bright, indirect light. Can tolerate low light conditions, but not direct sunlight.
Pest and Disease SusceptibilityThe flies are susceptible to numerous pest and insect attacks like mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids as well as spider mites and Thrips. The treatment is to use organic remedies like Neem oil.

8. Philodendron Pink Princess

Philodendron Pink Princess

Image by and Credit to: monstera_shop_official

Philodendron Pink Prince is a beautiful and rare houseplant that is becoming increasingly sought-after in recent times. The plant is distinguished by its deep dark green leaves and its pinkish-red variegated and makes a beautiful design for any space.

Due to its distinctive color and low-maintenance it is a great choice for the Philodendron Pink Princess is a rare plant that can be difficult to come across and expensive to buy.

It is the Pink Princess Philodendron is a slow-growing plant that is three feet in height. The rate of growth is slow, and it needs an organic soil that is well-drained and rich in matter. It prefers indirect, bright light for approximately 6 hours per day, resembling the light dappled by its rainforest habitat.

The leaves of the plant are thick and are oval with beautiful shades of green and pink. The flowers are tiny and white, and blossom frequently all through the year.

Giving your plant the proper maintenance and care is vital to ensure that your Philodendron stays Pink Princess in good health. The plant needs regular watering, but shouldn’t be overwatered since this could lead to root rot, among other issues.

It also enjoys regular fertilization, which will aid in promoting the growth of healthy plants and vibrant color of the leaves. It is important to remember it is that Philodendron Pink Princess is susceptible to diseases and pests It is therefore essential to be aware of issues and take care to address these issues immediately.

Despite its rarity and demanding maintenance requirements It is worth the effort of those who enjoy its unique color and low-maintenance.

Pink Philodendron Princess: Quick Growing Guide

Plant sizeUp to 3 feet height
Rate of growthModerate
Leaf colorGreen and pink variations
Leaf shapeOval
Soil is the most important thing to haveWell-draining, rich in organic matter
FertilizationRegular fertilization is essential to ensure healthy growth and vibrant color
Needs for waterRegularly water, be careful not to overwater.
The requirements for temperaturePrefer warm temperatures, avoiding exposure to cold breezes.
The sun’s needsA bright, indirect lighting source for approximately 6 hours per day
Disease and pestsThe risk of getting sick or bitten is high. issues, so keep your eye on any signs of trouble and tackle these issues immediately.

9. Philodendron 69686

Philodendron 69686

Image by and Credit to: rooted_summerville

Philodendron 69686 is an uncommon and exclusive plant that stands out among other Philodendrons. The plant is actually a hybrid that is a cross between Philodendron bipinnatifidum as well as Philodendron speciosum. The beautiful plant features large shiny, glossy as well as deeply lobed leaves that reach 3 feet long and two feet wide. This is a slow-growing species but it’s well worth the wait because it can grow to a height that can reach 6 feet.

Contrary to Philodendron Joepii, Philodendron 69686 is not a climbing plant. Its leaves are bigger and have a deep lobed appearance, making it a much more stunning and attractive plant. Its leaves Philodendron 69686 are an attractive shade of green. they might have a subtle reddish hue on the side on the leaves. The unique plant does not flower, however its leaves can create a striking design in any space.

Therefore, Philodendron 69686 is a very rare and stunning plant that is sure to be a snob. While it’s a slow-growing species but it’s well worth the wait because it will grow to a stunning size. If you give it the proper treatment and care it’s possible to take pleasure in this plant for many years to come.

Philodendron 69686: Quick Growing Guide

Plant sizeUp to 6 feet tall
Rate of growthSlow-growing
Leaf colorGreen with an underlying reddish tint. side
Leaf shapeLoaded and deep
Soil is essentialMix of well-draining soil
Fertilization requirementsMonthly fertilizer with slow release
Needs for waterRegularly watering to keep soil dry
The requirements for temperature60-75 degrees Fahrenheit
The sun’s needsMedium bright, indirect light
Susceptibility to disease and pestsThe spider mites are a threat to the health of mealybugs and Thrips. Utilize chemical or organic

10. Philodendron Mamei

Philodendron Mamei

Image by and Credit to: naniinka

Philodendron Mamei is an uncommon and intriguing plant indigenous in Central as well as South America. Its uniqueness lies in its fact that it’s uncommon to find in the wild, which makes it an exceptional part of any plant collection.

The rare Philodendron Mamei, a rarity, has heart-shaped leaves.

The name comes because of its heart-shaped, small leaves, which have a gorgeous hue of green. Because of its distinctive characteristics, Philodendron Mamei is a very sought-after plant by people who love plants.

Philodendron Mamei is an epiphytic plant that could develop up to 3.4 feet. It has leaves growing upwards of 1.5 foot in height. It’s usually grown for its ground cover consequently, it will have smaller stature. The plant grows slowly that makes it more unique. The leaves are heart-shaped and green. The flowers aren’t too noticeable.

Philodendron Mamei needs an open, well-drained soil as well as direct, bright light exposure. It thrives at temperatures that is at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) and the humidity must be 60% or higher. The cycle of watering is typically every week. Fertilizer could be administered every 4 or six weeks.

If you’re the first plant owner, Philodendron Mamei is a good option due to its low maintenance and the same care requirements as other houseplants with leaves.

Thus, Philodendron Mamei is a very rare and special plant that requires special maintenance to flourish. The heart-shaped leaves and the slower growth speed make it an sought-after plant in the world of plant enthusiasts.

Philodendron Mamei: Quick Growing Guide

Plant sizeAs high as 3.4 feet
Rate of growthSlow
Leaf colorGreen
Leaf shapeHeart-shaped
Soil is essentialWell-draining, loose soil
Fertilization needsEvery four or six weeks
The need for waterEach week, you will have a chance to go on a walk.
The requirements for temperatureAt minimum, 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius)
The sun’s needsBright indirect light
Susceptibility to disease and pestsModerate susceptibility to pests as well as disease

11. Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

Image by and Credit to: benji_plant

Philodendron Spiritus is one of the rarest species around the globe It’s sought-after by plant enthusiasts. It is often referred to as the holy Philodendron. It is native to Brazil specifically, in that state known as Espirito Santo.

Philodendron Spiritus is one of the most rare plants in the world.

This Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is rare since it’s only found in one area across the globe. as of the writing time this article, only six plants are believed to exist. The plants are housed in a hidden place and kept in a secure location due to their rareness and importance.

It’s a plant of the terrestrial world that is difficult to maintain and requires a high level of humidity and indirect sunlight. The plant is threatened and protected because of its rareness and rarely found out in nature. It has huge, deeply divided leaves, which are bright green with white variegation, and separated by veins of pinkish-red. The unique look of this plant helps it appear distinctive in any setting or at home.

Although it’s difficult to maintain This plant is well worth the effort for those who are enthusiastic of gardening as well as collecting uncommon plants. It’s Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is a gorgeous piece to add to your collection and its huge, well divided leaves, with the bright green color and white variations are certain to stand out.

Philodendron Spiritus: Quick Growing Guide

Plant SizeMedium
Growth RateSlow
Leaf ColorBright green, with white variegation and pinkish-red veins
Leaf ShapeDeeply divided and large
Soil NeedsRich soil and well-drained
Fertilization NeedsFertilize your garden regularly throughout the growing season by using an organic fertilizer
Watering NeedsRegular watering and high humidity
Temperature Requirements65-85 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlight RequirementsIndirect light
Pest and DiseaseSpider mites are a risk, as are mealybugs, bacterial and fungal infections

Things To Consider When Selecting A Philodendron Species

Philodendron Plant

Image by and Credit to: Leo Bui

When selecting a philodendron variety to include in your garden, whether outdoor or indoor It is important to take into consideration some factors that can assist you in making the right choice.

  • Variegation patterns
  • Leaf shape
  • Growth habit
  • Price

Variegation Patterns

Variegation patterns are an important element when evaluating the rare Philodendron species. Variegation is a natural phenomenon in plants around every one in 100,000, which makes species with a variety of variegation scarce and highly sought-after.

The leaves’ patterns may be random or splotchy or even the entire leaf can remain unaffected, which makes the leaves visually stunning and distinctive. Philodendron billietiae is a extremely sought-after species by plant lovers because of its variegated leaves and unique leaf shape and its overall stunning appearance.

Although newly propagated Philodendrons could change to a solid color however, the beauty, rarity and easy of maintenance makes variegated Philodendrons a worthwhile investment.

Leaf Shape

Philodendrons are available in a variety of leaf shapes, ranging from heart-shaped to elongated and perforated. Certain unusual species, like the Philodendron Gloriosum, are characterized by beautiful velvety leaves with white veins. They add beauty for any garden that is indoor.

Other varieties, like the melanochrysum Philodendron, feature large, glossy and heart-shaped leaves that reach up to three feet in length. When you consider the shape of the leaf you can select one of the rare species of Philodendron which adds attraction to your home and thrives in its particular climate.

Growth Habit

Although some Philodendrons are able to develop quickly, other species tend to be slow-growing. But, all Philodendrons thrive in a climate in which they can grow their roots and leaves.

In their natural environment they are a part of trees, and use the aerial roots as anchors to secure themselves. They also absorb moisture and nutrients. To recreate this natural environment inside it is recommended to offer indirect sunlight, and avoid putting the plant in areas with drafty air.

If you take into consideration the growing habits of a unique Philodendron plant, it is possible to make sure that you offer it the right environment and remain well for the years to come.


These are because rare Philodendrons tend to not be easily available, making them costly and hard to locate. Therefore, you might need to to pay an extra amount to acquire one of these varieties to your garden.

Furthermore, rare Philodendrons could require special attention because of their fragile nature, which could make them more expensive overall. It is therefore essential to be ready to put time and money to care for a unique Philodendron species.


This world-class philodendron variety are truly captivating, from the breathtaking Philadelphia Florida Beauty Variegated to the mysterious Variegrated Philodendron Gloriosum.

Although these plants have a high price cost, their distinctive characteristics and rarity make them desired by enthusiasts and collectors alike. No matter if you’re a veteran gardener or just beginning by exploring the most rare varieties of philodendrons can bring happiness and encourage you to keep growing your collection.

Why not make the leap and look to see if you can find one of these beautiful rare species? If you’re patient and persistent you could add the rare philodendron you’ve always wanted to add to your indoor plant collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequent concerns about rare Philodendrons:

What Is The Most Beautiful, Rare Philodendron Plant Out There?

The most stunning rare Philodendron is an opinion that is not universally accepted, however most people think to be the Pink Princess the most stunning due to its pastel-colored leaves. The most sought-after Philodendron is called the Philodendron Spiritus Sancti.

What Is The Difference Between Variegated And Non-variegated Philodendron Plants?

Variegated Philodendrons’ leaves have shades of green, silver and white, due to an inherited mutation that affects only one of around 100,000 plants. The non-variegated Philodendrons are strong green leaves. Variegation is a rarity and prone to instability and makes certain varieties more difficult to identify.

Where Can I Find Rare Philodendron Varieties?

Rare varieties of Philodendron can be purchased online from special garden centers or collectors. They can also be found in local shops at a cost of a substantial amount. You will have to pay some cash for these sought-after plants.
What Are the Rarest Philodendron Types to Grow The Ultimate Identification and Planting Guide You'll Ever Need pinterest image

Featured and Pinterest image credit to: zoosnow

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