Most Popular Types of Sticker Weeds: The Ultimate List and How to Get Rid of Them from Your Clothes!

Fighting sticker weeds can turn a tranquil garden into a nightmare. Learn more about our comprehensive guide, which reveals the most popular kinds of sticker weeds as well as effective ways to get rid of these. Begin a journey that will help you reclaim your yard and make it free of these annoying weeds

What Exactly Are Sticker Weeds?

Violet Thistle

Image by and Credit to: pasja1000

These types of weeds, often referred to as sticker weeds are easily identified through their distinct bright, green leafy leaves resembling parsley.

They are plants with low growth that spread outwards and have hairy appearance. They have spines that are sharp and sticky.

The weeds produce tiny blooms which turn into tough spined seeds that are unexpected for anyone with feet amidst a lawn.

8 Different Kinds of Sticker Weeds: Quick Summary of Features

Weed TypeWeed Features
ThistlesStems and leaves that are prickly with lively flowers.
Sticky CockleburSpiny burrs that adhere to clothing or fur to aid in seeds dispersal.
BurrweedSpiny, rough seed pods which stick to the surface of objects.
GoatheadSeed pods with sharp, spine-like edges, resembling heads of goats.
BindweedTwining vines adorned with trumpet-shaped flowers.
SandburSpiny burrs attached to clothing and animals to distribute seeds.
Carpet WeedsPlants that are low-growing and form thick mats of leaves.
BurdockVelcro-like burrs, similar to those used in the construction of Velcro, that development of Velcro.

8 Types of Sticker Weeds

Let’s take a look at the most common offenders in the world of weeds – common kinds of weeds that have stickers. They have the potential to invade your lawn and garden in a way that causes nuisance and harm.

  1. Thistles
  2. Sticky Cocklebur
  3. Burrweed
  4. Goathead
  5. Bindweed
  6. Sandbur
  7. Carpet Weeds
  8. Burdock

1. Thistles (Cirsium Spp.)

Thistles (Cirsium Spp.)

Image by and Credit to: manfredrichter

Thistles, also known as Cirsium spp. They are easily identified as sticker weeds because of their distinctive leaf pattern with a rosette, as well as sharp edges that spin.

Thistles are known for their fluffy seeds, which are that are tucked into fine hairs, referred to by the term “thistle down.”

There’s also a tendency of mature plants to produce seeds with spines. These invasive plants are recognized to be extremely resilient to drought and are extremely hardy. They are also able to quickly take over an area if it is not taken care of.

The mix of extraction by hand, treatment using chemicals and organic methods efficiently eliminates these. However, prevention via regular monitoring and control is the key.

Thistle: Identification Summary

Plant TypeA perennial plant
Plant SizeTall stalks and long leaves and tall stalks
Flower SizeThe amount of variation
Flower TimingThe season is coming to an end. season
Flower ColorPink, yellow white
Leaf colourBlue-green to yellow-green
Leaf Shaperuffled, resembling dandelion leaves
Growth RateFast
Temperature RequirementsThey are extremely adaptable
Invasive or NotYes

2. Sticky Cocklebur (Xanthium Strumarium)

Sticky Cocklebur (Xanthium Strumarium)

Image by and Credit to: Vinayaraj

Common Burdock (Arctium plus) is an invasive biennial species that can be identified by its massive spear-shaped leaves, with sharp edges and spines.

A single of the prominent aspects in Sticky Cocklebur is the fruit which is spiny burr.

This weed causes irritated burrs that are easily identified by their round structure that taper out to a point, and is frequently found in fur of animals or on their legs.

To control this weed the removal of this weed should be prioritized since it is a weed that multiplies through shoots and seeds.

Sticky Cocklebur: Identification Summary

Plant typeBiennial invasive weed
Plant sizeLarge
Leaf colorGreen
Leaf shapeSpeared, rosette pattern
Rate of growthFast
TemperatureHardy and able to withstand a broad variety of temperatures
Invasive or notInvasive

3. Burrweed (Xanthium Spinosum)

Burrweed (Xanthium Spinosum)

Image by and Credit to: Harry Rose

Burrweed, also known as Xanthium spinosum (and sometimes spelled Burweed) is a notoriously invading herb that is identified by its massive seed pods that are adorned with sharp pins that resemble stickers.

Xanthium spinosum is a source of toxic compounds particularly in its leaves and seeds.

The plant changes from an unassuming green to a dark brown, signalling its maturity. It is also your signal to eliminate it before seeds disperse. To eliminate it, choose chemical, cultural or organic methods like hand-pulling when the soil is wet.

Utilizing specific post-emergent herbicides or using natural weed killers.

Burrweed: Identification Summary

Plant TypeAnnual annual
Plant SizeGolf-ball-sized seed pods
Flower SizeSmall; produces large seed pods
Flower TimingBlooms produce seeds, which are then released in late summer.
Flower ColorYellow flowers
Leaf ColorGreen to light green
Leaf ShapeSmall and round
Growth RateRapid; becomes a problem during the summer months.
Temperature RequirementsThe species thrives in dry, warm Mediterranean-like climates
Invasive or NotIt is highly invasive and spreads easily by sticking to clothes and other things

4. Goathead (Tribulus Terrestris)

Goathead (Tribulus Terrestris)

Image by and Credit to: Obsidian Soul

Goathead also known scientifically as Tribulus terrestris is an invasive species known for its sticky nature because of the clusters of tiny, thorn-covered seeds that it produces.

Goathead is regarded as an invasive weed in a variety of areas, especially in semi-arid and arid regions.

The thorns serve as defence mechanisms that help seeds to ride along with people passing by to spread out into new areas. The identification of weeds known as Sticker includes looking at its lobed and green and inversely placed leaf tips on the branches.

That resembles parsley leaves and sharp, sticky spines. It is a low-growing plant that expands in a latitudinal manner, releasing small, unnoticeable flowers when it reaches maturation. You can control Goatheads management by either physically eliminating the plant or by using herbicides and maintaining regular lawn maintenance.

Goathead: Identification Summary

Plant TypeWeed
Plant SizeLow-growing
Flower SizeTiny
Flower TimingMaturity
Flower ColorInconspicuous
Leaf ColorBright Green
Leaf ShapeLobed
Growth RateFast
Temperature RequirementsDry rough environments

5. Bindweed (Convolvulus)

Bindweed (Convolvulus)

Image by and Credit to: WikimediaImages

The Bindii (Convolvulus) can be described as a well-known plant that is invasive and causes garden and lawn. Its distinct characteristics include its bright, lobed leaves, low-growing habit and hairy appearance that is adorned with sharp spines that stick to the ground.

A variety of kinds of Convolvulus are renowned for their vining behavior.

It is a matter of the recognition of its tendency to branch laterally. They also produce tiny, invisible flowers that turn into seeds that are difficult to spot.

Removal of bindii requires chemical, biological and organic methods which focus on preventing its spread and expansion.

Bindweed: Identification Summary

Plant TypeAnnual
Plant SizeLow-growing
Flower SizeTiny
Flower TimingAt the point of reaching the point of maturity
Flower ColorPink, white
Leaf ColorBright Green
Leaf ShapeLobed
Growth RateFast
Temperature RequirementsWide-range
Invasive or NotInvasive

6. Sandbur (Cenchrus)

Sandbur (Cenchrus)

Image by and Credit to: Sam Fraser-Smith

Sandbur also referred to as Cenchrus is a kind of grass often referred to as a sticker weed due to its seed pods that are spiky and with sharp pins and hair that is fuzzy.

Cenchrus species are renowned for their drought-resistant properties and their ability to thrive in soils that are sandy and nutrient-poor.

It’s easily identified by its green, light leaves that have reddish tips, the green stems that have fine hairs and the thick stems that are flattened and have sharp seeds on the ends.

The most effective method of controlling this weed is through the use of weedkillers to keep an aesthetically pleasing lawn.

Sandbur: Identification Summary

Plant TypeGrass
Plant SizeAs high as 40” (100 cm)
Seed Pod SizeA little larger than an eraser.
Seed Pod TimingMaturation period
Seed Pod ColorGreen
Leaf ColorLight green with tips that are reddish
Leaf ShapeLinear
Growth RateFast-growing
Temperature RequirementsTemperate zones

7. Carpet Weeds (Mollugo Verticillata)

Carpet Weeds (Mollugo Verticillata)

Image by and Credit to: Eric in SF

Carpet weeds, also called Mollugo verticillata are invasive sticker weeds that grow rapidly and eat away other plants. However, they are recognized by their vibrant green lobed leaves small flowers that grow into sharp-edged, hard-coated seeds.

The carpetweed plant is known as a prostrate plant which means it is a plant that grows near to ground, and forms dense mats of leaves.

They also have the ability to stick to skin and clothing. To get rid of them, gardeners’ methods usually include special methods to avoid the spreading and death of other plants and grasses in the gardens.

Carpet Weeds: Identification Summary

Plant typeThe plant is low-growing and invasive.
Plant sizeThe time has come for matures to branch out
Size of the flowerSmall
Flower timingDevelop during plant maturation
Color of the flowerIt is not noticeable due to its small size.
Leaf colorBright green
Leaf ShapeLobed leaves are placed against the stem
Rate of growthRapid
The requirements for temperatureFlexible to a variety of conditions
Invasive or notVery invasive

8. Burdock (Arctium)

Burdock (Arctium)

Image by and Credit to: Epukas

Burdock is a weed that is known for its spear-shaped, large leaves as well as distinctive, irritable burrs that spread outward from the central point in the form of a rosette which gives the plant a appearance like lettuce.

The taproot of the young burdock plants can be eaten and has been a staple in traditional Asian food for a long time.

It’s commonly referred to as a sticker weed because of its tough, leathery leaves with prickly spines, and its round burrs that are spiked uniformly and can cause discomfort on contact.

To eliminate it, grasp the weed in its middle and pull it away completely using its roots. This should be done preferring to do this in the morning when the soil is still damp to make it easy to remove.

Burdock: Identification Summary

Plant typeBiennial weed
Plant SizeLarge
Flower SizeVaries
Flower TimingBiennial
Flower ColorVaries
Leaf ColorGreen
Leaf ShapeSpear-shaped
Growth RateQuick
Temperature RequirementsCan be adapted to a wide range of climates.
Invasive or NotYes

How to Eliminate and Control Sticker Weeds?

Foxtail Barley Grass Weed

Image by and Credit to: MabelAmber

We’ll draw on our decades of gardening and farming experience to offer effective methods to identify, eliminating, and removing sticker weeds making sure you have a clean, irritant-free garden.

  • Resort to Mechanical Weed Removal Methods
  • Identify the Type of Sticker Weeds
  • Feed Some Fertilizers to Your Lawn Grass
  • Prevent their Growth In the First Place!
  • Control Sticker Weeds that have Seed Tapes
  • Apply Weed Control Methods for Lawns
  • Spray Sticker Weeds with Chemical Herbicides
  • Remove Sticker Weeds by Hand

Resort to Mechanical Weed Removal Methods

Utilizing a weed-removing machine including mowing the lawn on a regular basis. Also, manually taking out the weeds successfully gets rid of sticker weeds since these methods physically remove the plant as well as its roots which prevents any further growth or spread.

Furthermore, the consistent use of these techniques can create a negative conditions for weeds to thrive which helps to maintain an unmowed lawn for a long time.

Identify the Type of Sticker Weeds

Accurate identification permits the use of specific measures of control for example, herbicides or manual excavations, ensuring quick and effective eradication.

Feed Some Fertilizers to Your Lawn Grass

Applying nitrogen-rich fertilizers to the grass will encourage the growth of sturdy root systems and lush grass which can effectively compete with and smother out sticker weeds.

The strong, healthy grass is a little invasive and leaves poor conditions for sticker weeds to expand and grow effectively helping in the control and elimination of the weeds.

Prevent their Growth In the First Place!

Removing the stickers (a.k.a. spines or burs) assists in the removal and control of weeds that have stickers by stopping their growth and preventing further seedlings of weeds from encroaching on the lawn or the garden.

In conjunction with regular mowing, and proper lawn care techniques. This will ensure a sturdy turf canopy, which acts as a significant barrier against the development and spread of sticker weeds.

Control Sticker Weeds that have Seed Tapes

Utilizing sticker weed tapes can help eliminate and control weeds, by preventing their growth when weeds fight to grow in a lush, well-maintained lawns.

Furthermore, with regularly and consistently mowing all likely weed seeds are removed. There is no room for stickers weeds to grow and expand.

Apply Weed Control Methods for Lawns

Utilizing weed control techniques for lawns effectively reduces the growth of weeds called sticker by taking strict measures such as the correct heights for mowing and regular irrigation methods, and the correct fertilization.

These methods eradicate sticker weeds and create a negative environment for future growth to ensure the health of your lawn, free of sticker weeds.

Spray Sticker Weeds with Chemical Herbicides

Spraying with herbicides that contain chemicals is a successful method to control weeds as these chemicals kill plants and stop their expansion.

By focusing on the harmful grasses and weeds, without causing damage to grass, these weeds provide an efficient and easy solution to ensure your lawn’s good health.

Remove Sticker Weeds by Hand

Hand removal of stickers allows the immediate and targeted removal of these plant species. It effectively stops the spread of these weeds by pulling them from the roots prior to them setting seeds.

This approach is hands-on and ensures the health and quality of the lawn around it is maintained, which is which is not liked by sticker weeds and thereby aiding in the effective management of weeds.


Learning the method of eliminating stickers weeds can completely transform how you garden. They can appear difficult. But the proper mix of chemical, cultural and organic techniques can successfully eliminate them, creating an abundant and healthy garden. Keep in mind that prevention is the key to success. It is important to act early in order to protect those green space from incessant attack of weeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequent concerns about weeds and stickers:

How to Get Rid of Sticker Weeds?

To get rid of stickers, apply regular treatments such as herbicides, organic alternatives like vinegar, neem oil and lemon juice. Manual removal is also efficient. Consistency and following the instructions are crucial.

What Species Are Sticker Weeds?

Sticker weeds are species that are prone to choke other species of plants. They can be identified through their vibrant green leaves, lobbed, and their sturdiness. They also have sharp spines that easily penetrate and stick to the skin of a person. The weeds are spread quickly.

Can I Spray Vinegar on Sticker Weeds?

It is possible to spray vinegar on the weeds since it is a source of acidic compounds that are harmful to plants. But, it kills randomly and can harm healthy plants as well. Mix sodium chloride, white vinegar and dishwashing soap for efficient use. Spray directly on undesirable plants.

What Kills Sticker Weeds?

Vinegar, soapwater, and salt are efficient alternatives to herbicides to kill stickers weeds. Vinegar’s acidic components are harmful to plants, and boiling water and salt can effectively kill these weeds. However, they can cause harm to healthy plants too.
Most Popular Types of Sticker Weeds The Ultimate List and How to Get Rid of Them from Your Clothes! pinterest image

Featured and Pinterest image credit to: Scottslm

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